Human Messengers

Dear Parishioners,

The Gospel readings the last 2 Sundays have been about the call of the first disciples, a call that is extended to us at our baptism. Today’s Gospel tells of the beginning of the ministry of Jesus. It’s a mission that we are called to participate in also.

The first reading today refers to the great theophany of Sinai, when God spoke directly to his people and terrified them because they could not cope with unfiltered interaction. So, God promises that he will communicate with them through the medium of human messengers – prophets and those who are entrusted to speak God’s words.

In today’s church, priests, religious, and lay pastoral leaders assume something of that leadership and mediating role. They walk beside us, seeking to discern what God is calling us to do.

In the last 5 years I have been part of the Cathedral Leadership group, comprising the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance, and Liturgy Committees. As a city parish, you have a wealth of talent available, and many have worked tirelessly for the benefit of the parish, especially in the rebuilding of our cathedral, from those who have giving freely of their expertise, or their finances, or those who worked the samosa and cake stalls each Sunday, and other fundraising activities.

I would especially like to thank Debbie Matheson, the Pastoral Team, and the Parish Staff for their leadership during this time. You are indeed fortunate to have Fr Patrick Bridgeman coming as Administrator. I am sure he will enjoy his time with you as much as I have.

Wishing you all well for 2024 and beyond.

Fr Ron