There is a Season…

Last Sunday we began a new church year, beginning with the Season of Advent. We are now in Year B, and the Gospel of Mark.

Mark’s Gospel is often under-rated, compared with Matthew and Luke. It is considerably shorter than the others, and was even seen at one time as an abridged version of Matthew!

Nothing could be further than the truth. Mark is written earlier than Matthew and Luke and it shows! Mark mentions details that are eye witness accounts in a way that Matthew and Luke simply cannot. It is also true that both Matthew and Luke have access to Mark’s Gospel, and make good use of it. Their own accounts would be severely depleted if it were not for Mark’s influence on their own writings. Enjoy Mark this year. It is a beautiful gospel.

We are also in the Season of Advent – only 22 days this year. Advent is when we prepare for the great Feast of Christmas.  It is an inner journey. There are many ways we can prepare. Even if you cannot get to daily Mass, you can always download the Mass readings and just reflect on them. I try to spend time by myself and be with the Lord. I think of Mary and what she must have been thinking as she carried Jesus in her womb, waiting for the time for him to be born. Can we not prepare ourselves in the same way!

This particular year is also a time for goodbyes and welcomes. Both Fr Joy and myself will be leaving the Cathedral Parish. I am going to Holy Cross Seminary as senior-priest-in-residence and Fr Joy is taking my place as Parish Priest at Otari Parish. The Cathedral parish will be welcoming Fr Patrick Bridgman as Administrator. You will be blessed indeed to have Fr Patrick with you. Finally I would like to acknowledge Debbie Matheson and the Leadership team. It’s no secret that Debbie does a fantastic job, supported by a great Team. You are indeed a fortunate parish.

God bless

Fr Ron