“Producing Much Fruit”
“Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit”. This was the sentence that spoke to my heart as I listened to this week’s Gospel being proclaimed and reflected on at our parish Lenten reflection session in Connolly Hall on Wednesday. For me, these sessions ‘produce much fruit’.
Reflecting further on this statement, I pondered on not only of the consequences to myself, but also of how – together as community – “dying to self” shapes us in our thoughts and actions. How might we lean more fully into this invitation?
As we continue to walk gently through this Lenten season may we be generous in gifting to ourselves time to be still and listen to what the dying to self really means. Let us reflect on how our actions of faith shape our conscience, and how we discern and live out God’s deepest desires for us; recall the wonderful things that we all do – individually, and as a community; remembering the ways that we have shown (and hope to show) how our dying to self may give life for others, like Christ?

In these waning days of Lent, may we all courageously open our hearts to ready ourselves for the joy of the new life of Easter. To prune the vines, compost the soil, water the roots, remove the weeds, sow the seeds, drive away the birds – all in preparation to produce much fruit!
Acting with responsibility and integrity, how can we all use the time we have on Earth to produce much fruit? What action are we going to take this week to “produce much fruit’’, individually or communally?
Debbie Matheson