Being intentional
In the season of Lent, we are invited to be intentional in our discipleship to grow closer in our relationship with God. The season guides us into, a period of reflection, repentance, and ongoing transformation of our lives, to prepare us to continue to do the work Jesus asks of us as His disciples. Discipleship involves a lifelong process of transformation.
Today’s readings remind us of the divine presence in the created world. In the Gospel, Jesus invites us all to choose a change in lifestyle. He invites us to turn away from whatever inhibits our full flourishing and turning towards God.
The second readings during Lent assert the importance of baptism as the entryway into the paschal mystery of Jesus. Reflection on our baptismal promises reminds us of our commitment to Christian discipleship, and of the power of saying ‘Yes!’ to God’s call.
As disciples, a chosen people, we are called to proclaim Christ’s call to repent and believe. We respond through the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through these practices we receive an opportunity to be intentional, to seek to grow closer to God, to conform our hearts, minds, and actions to God. These practices invite us to change our ways, to start living a new way, to choose actions that lead us closer to and what is of God, and through almsgiving bless others.

Throughout this Lenten season, I pray that we all, as intentional disciples, will choose to build into our Christian lives extra time in prayer to discern what change in lifestyle the Spirit is leading us to; what steps and actions we could choose that will lead us closer to Jesus and conform our life with His; and how we can allow God to use us during this season so that we may continue to be a blessing to others.
Debbie Matheson – Lay Pastoral Leader