Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend is the 3rd year we have celebrated the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on this the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Instigated in 2021 by Pope Francis, he wrote at the time that “grandparents are often forgotten, and we forget this wealth of preserving roots and passing on” that represents the wisdom and knowledge of our elderly. He noted of great importance, the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, the tradition of handing knowledge, wisdom and stories down through the generations. Pope Francis also described the voice of the elderly as “precious, because it sings the praises of God and preserves the roots of the peoples.”

The timing of this day of prayer is chosen to link closely to the feast of St Joachim and St Ann, the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus. We are encouraged to take our inspiration from the example of St Joachim and Ann as parents and grandparents to Mary and Jesus.

This weekend I thank God for my grandparents and their love and quiet faith that strongly influenced my own faith story and that of other members of my family. I was fortunate to spend most summer holidays with my maternal grandparents where life was simple. My memories are of long summer days which were always sunny (this was the Hutt Valley so this can’t have been true!) Activities revolved around the wider family. We gathered together, playing with cousins, eating and celebrating with my grandparents as central figures. The local Parish, the priests and celebration of the Mass was an integral part of our story. My grandparents passed on their faith quietly with few words but by action and with a message that was strong and clear – be faithful to God and he will be faithful to you even through the hard times. 

Today, in particular, but every day we must treasure our elderly and we encourage them in their turn to accept the mercy and love bestowed on them by their family and friends. We pray with gratitude for their lives, and we seek the protection of Our Lord on all elderly. Shield them from pain, loneliness and all distress allowing them to live their remaining years in the peace and comfort of our loving Lord.

Jane Kelly

Chair, Liturgy Committee