Sharing the Good News

In today’s Gospel, Christ calls us to share His Good News – to speak what we know of Him out in the world, to be a sign of hope, and to not be afraid, for He knows us, ‘all the hairs on our head are counted’ (Matt 10:30), and He watches over us. As disciples we are all called to do as Jesus did. The Gospel is meant for everyone. All those who are baptised and commissioned into the mission of Christ, are sent out into the world to witness in word and deed.

Are you a ‘doer’? Do you have a gift for practical service? For discerning people’s needs? For conversation? For hospitality? How can you, and how is God inviting you to use your gifts to share the Good News?

More good news. In a few weeks it will be five years since we moved out of the Cathedral. This week, the strengthening part of the project was completed, hallelujah!  The cables that run the length of the building in the side aisles were finally able to be tensioned. Once the report signing off this tensioning has been received the internal strops will then be removed, reinstatement to the areas damaged by the strops undertaken, the aisle ceilings reinstated. Then the interior painting can begin. This is a major milestone for the strengthening and restoration project and moves us closer to the Cathedral’s reopening!

As we move closer to the reopening there will be many opportunities where you can offer your time and skills to help prepare the building for our physical return and reopening and to support the reuniting and reinvigoration of our parish community.

Next weekend each family will be asked to complete a ‘time and talent’ survey. The survey affirms family contact details. Each parishioner is asked to complete a survey indicating in which area they would like to contribute to the worship and active life of the parish. The survey will be emailed out with next week’s newsletter and handed out at all Masses. Please return at Mass or email back to the parish office.

In preparation, please take time this week to consider what of your gifts are that you can offer in service for the worship and spiritual life of our parish community, to be a beacon, and to go out together to share Christ’s Good News – to ‘Go and make Disciples’.

Debbie Matheson

Lay Pastoral Leader/Parish Leader