Tag: Laudato Si'

  • photo of people near wooden table


    Last weekend, at our combined Otari and Cathedral parish Pentecost Mass with Archbishop Paul, our communities celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Mass poignantly reflected the relationships the […]

  • rear view of woman with arms raised at beach during sunset


    Today is Laetare Sunday – ‘Laetare’ from the Latin text of the entrance antiphon which would be heard in a choral eucharist, ‘Laetare Jerusalem…’, that is, ‘Rejoice, Jerusalem…’.   It’s halfway […]

  • person holding green leaf plant


    This year’s Season of Care for Creation, which began on 1 September, will conclude on Wednesday 4 October, the feast of St Francis of Assisi. For a number of reasons, […]

  • Pentecost Sunday

    The ministry of Jesus begins with the coming of the Spirit at his baptism, and so the ministry of the Church begins with the coming of the Holy Spirit at […]