The Gospel for today, on this Ascension Sunday, is often known as Jesus’ ‘High Priestly Prayer’. He is praying for his disciples; he is praying for us. He prayers for […]
The Gospel for today, on this Ascension Sunday, is often known as Jesus’ ‘High Priestly Prayer’. He is praying for his disciples; he is praying for us. He prayers for […]
“I support Adam as Zara would’ve wanted and recognise the soul crushing guilt that he faces.” With these words, Anna, the mother of the late Zara Mitchell, acted in deed […]
To paraphrase from Father Patrick’s homily last week – “repetition is good”, so I was tempted to dust off the reflection I prepared last year for the 4th Sunday of […]
The Easter Tridium is a time of mixed emotions as we go from the shouts of excitement that are part of the Palm Sunday celebratory entry into Jerusalem to the […]
These words of Francis, Bishop of Rome, speak an incredible truth. Yes, there is much that can surround us which seems deadly. It may be social media streams which denigrate, […]
I felt so moved by the second reading last week. It was from St Paul’s letter to the Hebrews. ‘But even though he was God’s Son, he learnt through his […]
Today is Laetare Sunday – ‘Laetare’ from the Latin text of the entrance antiphon which would be heard in a choral eucharist, ‘Laetare Jerusalem…’, that is, ‘Rejoice, Jerusalem…’. It’s halfway […]
The account of the cleansing of the temple occurs in each of the four Gospels. It is not all that common that an event in the ministry of Jesus is […]