Category: Front Page

  • people sitting on gang chairs

    Faith that is Alive

    “Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.” Along with the passage when Jesus invites his disciples to, “Come and have breakfast!”, this is one of my favourite scripture […]

  • Welcome Home!

    Did you feel the space as you came through the foyer? Did you look up as you entered the nave and see the beautiful ceiling, now white and duck-egg blue? […]

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    Last weekend, at our combined Otari and Cathedral parish Pentecost Mass with Archbishop Paul, our communities celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Mass poignantly reflected the relationships the […]

  • close up of the holy spirit stained glass painting


    According to Wycliffe Global Alliance, as of September 2023, the Bible has been translated into 736 languages; with the New Testament translated into an additional 1,658 languages. That’s a lot […]

  • daughter explaining elderly mother how using smartphone


    The Gospel for today, on this Ascension Sunday, is often known as Jesus’ ‘High Priestly Prayer’. He is praying for his disciples; he is praying for us. He prayers for […]

  • hand holding branch clipper

    Love in Deed and Truth

    “I support Adam as Zara would’ve wanted and recognise the soul crushing guilt that he faces.” With these words, Anna, the mother of the late Zara Mitchell, acted in deed […]