Mission Sunday
Today we celebrate Mission Sunday. It is a reminder that we are all missionaries. Just as the earliest disciples were called to follow Jesus and spread the Good News, so […]
Today we celebrate Mission Sunday. It is a reminder that we are all missionaries. Just as the earliest disciples were called to follow Jesus and spread the Good News, so […]
In this week’s Gospel, our Lord is teaching us “about the need to pray continually and never lose heart”. (Lk 18:1). In his talk about prayer, Bishop Robert Barron defines […]
The Bible allows Christians to access the foundations of their faith; therefore, it is essential to Christians. The Bible is filled with words of love, affirmation, hope, peace, strength and […]
Children’s Sacramental Programme 2022/23 – Registration is now open for the 2022/23 programme which begins with CONFIRMATION this coming Term 4 followed by FIRST RECONCILIATION in Term 1 and HOLY COMMUNION […]
The readings for this Sunday’s lectionary remind us to focus on firstly God’s power to heal and also our right response is shaped by gratitude. The two readings from the […]