Welcome home – Our mustard seed has flowered!

Even a little mustard seed can produce a bountiful harvest. We do not know where the wind may blow the seeds that we sow, nor where the seeds will land. But it doesn’t matter, for the harvest is God’s and we are not in control. Our role is to till, tend, and nurture, and when the time is right to support the harvest.

Last weekend, as we returned home, we experienced the fruit of our labours. The little seeds that had been transplanted in 2018 and tended for nearly six years had grown. And what a beautiful bounty it has produced, returning to God what is God’s. Along the way we faced many challenges, but our community kept watering, feeding, nourishing, so that we had the resilience to survive to the harvest.

As a community I hope you are proud of the way in which you have toiled for this harvest. I pray now, that nestled in the warm glow of God’s embrace, the beautiful and tranquil environment of our harvest nourishes us. And that after being fed and nourished together back in our home church, reacquainted and reconnected with the wider community, that we are ready to embrace new opportunities for growth, that we will scatter new seeds, and feed and nourish others.

I invite you to embrace and support the parish’s Alpha programme that starts in two weeks. Alpha is one way of nurturing your relationship with Jesus, and to reconnect and reenergise us as a parish family as we continually sow, water, and nurture seeds of love, hope, truth, knowledge and faith. Alpha can help your seed grow into an enquiring and flourishing plant.

Have you registered yet for Alpha 2024? Have you invited someone to accompany you at Alpha?

Debbie Matheson