
Last weekend, at our combined Otari and Cathedral parish Pentecost Mass with Archbishop Paul, our communities celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit. The Mass poignantly reflected the relationships the two parishes have built upon during the past five years while St Theresa’s church has served the Archdiocese as the Pro-Cathedral. As united communities we witnessed and celebrated the sharing of many gifts and talents. We welcomed the new Catholics from across the archdiocese who became full members of the Catholic church at Easter. The Mass was a true witness to people united and in relationship with one another and our Lord.

Throughout this past week, a week marked in the church year for reflection on the Pope’s Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, we have been encouraged to focus our attention on how we live in relationship with the earth and all living creatures. Our focus changes a little as we come together to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

Our understanding of the Holy Trinity offers us insight to the way we know and experience God. The Holy Trinity depicts a communion of love that interweaves. God desires to have a wholehearted relationship with us, one that requires our active participation. To participate in God’s life therefore is to participate in the life of loving relationships, like that shared by the three persons of the Holy Trinity. 

The upcoming parish Alpha programme, beginning at the end of June, is an opportunity for us all to further discover and expand on our relationship and knowledge of God through a series of talks and discussions. It is an opportunity for us to invite others to join with us to explore who God is; to discover and share the basics of Christian faith and explore the meaning of life.

More information on Alpha is in this newsletter. We hope you will join us on this relational journey.

Debbie Matheson – Lay Pastoral Leader