The Gospel for today, on this Ascension Sunday, is often known as Jesus’ ‘High Priestly Prayer’. He is praying for his disciples; he is praying for us. He prayers for our protection, for our unity, for our loyalty to the Good News for he knows he will not remain of the world. Just as Jesus gave us his prayer, the Lord’s Prayer, and showed us how we can pray and relate to his Father, so in John’s Gospel today he presents his deep care and concern for us, who are his Own.

Hearing his words; seeking, care and protection for those he loves; his disciples, can’t but remind me of Mothers’ Day this weekend. When we hear a prayer invoking care and protection of loved ones it is natural to think of the prayer of mothers for their children.

Celine Dion is able to bring a tear to our eyes when she sings her ‘Mother’s Prayer’…. “I pray you’ll be my eyes and watch her where she goes and help her to be wise, help me to let go,  every mother’s prayer, every child knows, lead her to a place, guide her with your grace to a place where she’ll be safe…”

On Friday morning a large number of our Mums gathered with our Sacred Heart Cathedral School children in St Mary’s College Hall as we prayed in thanks for our mothers, as we do this day. Tears easily came to my eyes and the eyes of many as the children sang, spoke, danced, and prayed of their love for their mums.

Yes, and we remembered Mums who gave the us birth, and we remembered Mums who supported us in childhood, “as they held us and fed us, cared for us, and kissed away our pain.”

And there in the midst of our lovely school we remembered Mums in heaven, who prayer for their young children, and whose prayers are so much heard by the Lord, in whose presence they now live.

When Mum died, I received many cards from the children of the parish. They were all touching, and one young girl wrote, “I can’t imagine how sad it must be when you have had your Mum with you for so many years and have known her so well. When I was 5, I was sad when Mum died, but you knew yours for so much longer. I will pray for you.” A young girl who had very much caught the light of Jesus in love and care…

“I pray she finds your light, and holds it in her heart, as darkness falls each night, remind her where you are… Every mother’s prayer, every child knows, need to find a place, guide her with your grace give her faith so she’ll be safe…” (Celine Dion)

We rejoice in the Risen and Ascended Lord, whose care and protection we have known in those women who love us with life.

With prayers, patrick