The readings for the Solemnity of Christ the King Year C focus on the kingship of Jesus Christ. A title that doesn’t refer to a status as we understand of an earthly king.

Jesus came to establish God’s kingdom. He is the king of creation, and his kingdom is in heaven, and here on earth.  He came to earth offering salvation; to seek out and save the lost, and calling upon all peoples to live in peace and care for all of creation.

Christian discipleship, living His kingdom on earth, is a life of mission.  An intentional way of life, demanding of us mutual service and responsibility.  We are called to share the Good News of Jesus and His saving power. Called upon to instil hope and provide opportunities to others to encounter God. 

It calls us to be responsible stewards, of the natural world and of our gifts, talents, and treasures. We are called to witness to God’s infinite love, to care for each other, especially the marginalised, disabled, sick, housebound and refugees.

This weekend we liturgically celebrate Christ’s kingship. We are nourished and inspired anew by the Eucharist and the scriptures.  As His active disciples, His body here on earth, I suggest that we ask of ourselves: not what our community can do for us, but what more we can do for our community to live and build His kingdom? What part do/can I play in our community in sharing in the mission of the church? Is there more that I am being called to do/feel I could offer of myself?

Debbie Matheson

Parish Leader/Lay Pastoral Leader