Killing me softly

On Tuesday morning I woke up to the news that Roberta Flack, who sang the hit song “Killing me softly with his song” had passed away. There are two lines in this song that strike a chord with me (no pun intended) – “Singing my life with his words” and “Telling my whole life with his words” because it talks about the importance of words and the impact it can have on us.

In our first reading today, we are reminded that our words reveal who we really are. What we say and also how we say it, can either lift a person or tear them down. It will not be a revelation to anyone that our actions and words reflect what is in our hearts. If our hearts are good, then it follows that we will do and say good things much like the good tree that produces good fruit that Jesus refers to in his teaching today’s Gospel.

On Wednesday we start our preparations for the holiest day of the year – Easter Sunday. As we prepare for Easter we are asked to pray, fast and gives alms. Giving alms can be material things or doing acts of kindness. A very simple act of kindness is to show love and respect to others in the way we interact with them. A smile, a few kind words or sometimes just listening is a great act of kindness.

And on that note, this weekend we say thank you and goodbye to Debbie, our Lay Pastoral Leader who for the last six years has provided great leadership and guidance to our Parish during a time of great uncertainty and difficulty. Everything she has done for our community has been from the heart which is filled with love and service to God. She has worked tirelessly in the background to ensure that things ticked over in all aspects of our Parish life most of which I am sure is not what she signed up for. I always believe that God sends people into our lives at the right time, this is certainly the case in sending Debbie into our Parish. In the words of Roberta Flack, you “sang a good song” and “had a style” that will certainly be missed in our Parish as you head off to the next chapter in your life. Thank you, Debbie.

Clint Ramoo (Finance Chair)