
In this week’s Gospel, our Lord presents a paradoxical view on being blessed; one that contradicts the worldly view of what it is to be blessed. The Beatitudes are a statement of our Lord Jesus’ intent to establish the Kingdom of God on earth, where true happiness and joy are found, where there is true peace and freedom for all who dare to follow him. The Beatitudes confront us with our responsibility to be a part of God’s Kingdom. We are called to witness to the Kingdom of God in the world (Acts 1:8).  We are called to respond to what we see in the world; to advocate for the dignity of all, to work towards the common good, and to stand against injustices.

If we are to be part of God’s kingdom, we need to have God in the centre of our lives. We need to change our value system from that of the secular world around us. God’s priorities differ from that of our own. That is why it is challenging to hear that the ones who are blessed are those that society shuns and, even at times, spits on – the poor, the hungry, those who are mourning, and the persecuted.

When our Lord declared woe to the rich, the full, happy, and contented, He is warning us against relying solely on worldly treasures. Such material wealth can lull us into spiritual complacency that can blind us to the enduring treasures of God’s kingdom. 

Are we happy with the treasures of this world? Do we, instead, seek the love, grace, and eternal life that God offers to all who seek Him? If we are to be part of God’s Kingdom, we must have a conversion of heart and mind, to move away from a secular world view. For this, we need the gift of the Holy Spirit so that we may empty ourselves of all that would shut God out of our hearts. To be poor in spirit, so that we may have ample room in our hearts to be filled with God’s happiness. To be hungry in spirit, so that we may seek nourishment in God’s word. And to seek joy and freedom as we turn away from sin and oppression through God’s love and protection.      

Blessed Sunday to all. Randy Reyes