Mighty God; Wee Babe
So small, so vulnerable. Born as all the poor were born, in a cave, with animals beneath the living area. The warmth of the animals heating the home. Delivered in the midst of animals as birth was ‘unclean’ and the manger the only place for a newly born. The coming of this little one was the same as for all little ones of lowly rank coming into the world. Yet a star shone, and angels sang, and the simple shepherds were first to recognise something new had arrived. They, in the silence of the night could hear the heavens rejoice. The powerful were listening to other sounds, their own music, with fear-filled echoes. Those who placed themselves on the heights, seemed unable to open themselves to the glory of God in the highest, present in meek Bethlehem.
This night we hold the Christ Child in our hands. Mary and Joseph are there beside the manger, and they invite you forward. Invite you to gently lift baby Jesus from the crib. Place your hand behind his wee neck to support his head, and with you other hand supporting his lower back, swathed in linen cloths, cradle him close to your heart. His heart beating with your heart. Your eyes gazing upon his newborn face. Those tiny ears, flushed cheeks, button nose, and little mouth and chin. Then in the dimness of the cave your eyes see his eyes slightly open. And you are beheld by the one who brought you to life, the very Word of God, spoken at the dawn of Creation, begotten not made, light from light, true God from true God. In your arms, he embraces you while held in your embrace.
So small, so vulnerable. This is the God who created all, who powerfully brought everything from nothing. Who continues to bring light from darkness, life from death. This almighty ever living God remains vulnerable and small before your response to love, God’s love.
Mary said, Yes! Joseph said, Yes! Unknowing of the future yet trusting in the promises of God spoken to them. In the Scriptures, in the Sacraments, in our Church teaching, in lived experience we too have heard the promises made of old which are renewed this night. “I am with you, Emmanuel!” “You are not alone; your name is on the palm of my hand!” Yes, your name is there, on the palm of the wee hand of the newborn babe whom you are holding close.

Hold him close, he will be with you always.
With prayers,