Transformed by our encounter with Christ?
We hear in our readings, on this 31st Sunday in Ordinary time, Moses telling the people to fear the Lord and to keep God’s commands; the psalmist reminding us of all the things that God is for us; and in the gospel Jesus telling us that the two greatest commandments are love of God and love of neighbour.
Holding a spirit of love of God and love of neighbour is at the heart of who we are called to be. God’s commandments and decrees are given to us to help lead us deeper into the compassionate, relational, and merciful heart of God – to transform us.
Our daily actions, intentions, and our responses of loving kindness to our neighbours and environment, are expressions of our love of God. They are concrete examples of our daily encounter with Christ.
Within our parish community/family there are many facilitated ways, both within and reaching out, in which we can express our love of God and be transformed through our encounters with each other. We do this in our worship, in prayer, in liturgical service, in our fundraising initiatives, our formation events, social gatherings, service groups, ecumenical gatherings, social justice events… Like Jesus who came to serve, we too are called to serve – and in serving we experience encounter, accompaniment, growth and transformation.

So, as we listen to the readings this weekend, let us ponder how we choose to clothe ourselves with sincere compassion, kindness and patience that portrays our love as not mere words but something real and active, something that transforms us through our encounters?
Debbie Matheson
Lay Pastoral Leader