Seeking wisdom

The Psalmist this weekend sings, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain wisdom of heart”. This seems a very counter-cultural concept. In the ‘modern world’ people often appear to seek to extend the number of days they have to live. As though the drive of consumerism means that more of everything, including days lived, is the driving force in life.

I once heard of a monastic discipline which included the monk turning one sod a day from the ground in which he would one day lay. Maybe this action was derived from the words of the psalm. A method to enable the monk to recognise the reality of passing days, that days are limited and therefore to be lived in fullness, with wisdom.

Solomon, when he became King at a young age after his father, David’s death, replied to God’s invitation to ask anything of him with the prayer, “Give your servant, therefore, a listening heart to judge your people and to distinguish between good and evil”. What Solomon asked was not for himself, it was a gift for the people he was called to serve.

In our reading from Wisdom, we recognise the comparison between the gift of wisdom received and the riches that will finally be found wanting. Yes, and in the Rich Young Man of the Gospel, his inability to move forward is due to the supposed security of material wealth.

This weekend the Lotto draw is $20 million. In recent times when the level of the possible win has risen this high, I’ve mentioned to the Lord how I could pay off the Cathedral debt, have the organ renovated and set up a fund for future maintenance, not to mention the possible outreach that could be resourced from our community of faith for those in need and those who are yet to hear of him. No response!

Our situations of life regularly change. Because of health, financial circumstances, relationships, and other matters both outside and within our ‘control’. No matter the situation, it would seem the gift of Wisdom enables us to respond in a manner that is in accord with the Lord’s desire for us. May we pray for lady Wisdom to come to us and for us to follow her guide.

With prayers, Patrick