On Friday before last, 6 September, the Archdiocese of Wellington called forward Kinh Nguyen to the Order of Deacons; to live a life in service of God and God’s people.
It was a true joy to see Kinh surrounded by faithful people from his pastoral placement parish of Upper Hutt, from Vietnamese communities, his fellow seminarians, lay pastoral leaders, priests, and people who have come to know Kinh in the various settings he has been these past six years.
Over these two weeks Kinh is with us on pastoral placement, he will make his first steps in this new part of his life’s journey. There is something refreshing in seeing someone set out on a path that others have trod. Yet his will be a unique path, with the specific gifts and talents poured abundantly upon him by the Lord.
Jesus asks in the Gospel today, “Who do people say I am?” Kinh will give witness to who Jesus is through his preaching, his assistance at the Altar, his care of those in need, and in the way he simply interacts with people in the everyday. Naturally, to witness to Jesus is a call for all of us, all the baptised. Each of us in our unique way bring others to encounter Jesus.
For Isaiah, this witness did not always bring affirmation from others, yet he knew the Lord was beside him, even when he was persecuted. As with the psalmist, Isaiah knew he walked before the Lord in the land of the living, as we do.
We could hope for Kinh a life and ministry without any crosses, and yet this would not only be an unrealistic hope, but it would also not be a Christian hope! For isn’t the Cross central to our living? Yes, the Cross on which Jesus once hung, leading to his Resurrection, and the crosses which we bear are a part of our journey and an invitation to new life. When crosses come Kinh’s way may he know that there will be many ‘Simons’ to help him. May we remember this as well ourselves.

A Parish also experiences the joys and difficulties of life over the years. What a time of new life we are currently experiencing! This Sunday afternoon we have a time to gather together to look forward. Please come along, 2pm in Connolly Hall as we consider how we will be as a community now we are home!
With prayers, patrick