I Am!

“I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst” (Jn 6:35)

The great ‘I am’ we hear in today’s gospel fills me with great hope, love, thankfulness, and anticipation.  I am reminded of several instances when I’ve found myself hungering for something, but then having attained it, found it wasn’t really what I was needing or looking for.

The readings today talk of food that sustains us and a God who provides. In the gospel we listen to Jesus expand our understanding of food – from sustenance to feed our body, to the realm of spiritual sustenance. Jesus admonishes the followers, telling them that their focus should not be on food that perishes, but on that which is eternal. He is inviting them to shift their expectations from outward signs to inner transformation.

Like the Israelites in the first reading, do I trust in God’s ability to satisfy my hunger? Is my heart open to receiving God’s generosity and love? To follow Jesus requires letting go of our familiar habits like filling up on food that perishes,” and allowing Him to give us the “food that endures for eternal life” (Jn 6:27).

Our Lord is eager to nourish us for our journey ahead. He promises he will meet us wherever we are in our spiritual journey and give us the sustenance we need to push on and continue to grow in faith, purpose, and service. We just need to keep our focus on Him.

As we walk through our life of faith, may we gracefully accept the manna God offers us, the new challenges and blessings that will sustain us on our journeys, for “The bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world” (Jn 6:33).

Debbie Matheson

Lay Pastoral Leader