We are one!
Divisions between peoples are not part of the divine plan. Is this a bold statement? No, it is a clear teaching of Christ which we can read in Ephesians as we hear in this Sunday’s Assembly of the Faithful, the Mass. “Now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility…” There is much that can divide us if we let it. Nothing needs to divide us. Being divided is a choice we make; it is not an inherent reality of living. When, in Christchurch during 2015, a lone gunman chose to kill innocent people during prayer, he sought to divide. His choice was not the choice made by us as a nation. We chose to be united no matter our ethnic, cultural, religious, or social background. There was a phrase from the time, “They are us.” Maybe the greater truth could be phrased, “We are one.”
A moment from that time which I treasure was the invitation from local Muslim to all people to come and gather in prayer during their Friday prayers. In Taita at the Mosque parishioners gathered with our hosts, and with people from other denominations, faiths, and people of no faith; all being people of good will. Afterwards we shared food. It was such a joyous celebration of being human, tinged with the sadness of those who deaths we were remembering. God delighted without doubt in seeing his children as one! It is taking time together, sharing our stories and sharing our food, which enables us to experience that we are one, rather than many. That we are united in our humanity rather than being divided because of differences in our ways or understandings. In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus takes the disciples aside to rest. To spend some time with each other, to break bread. They had been busy, and when life becomes hectic, there is where tiredness can let in division. We can be tired personally, as a community, as a nation; maybe the world is a little tired at present. Is it time to take some space to choose to be together with others enabling us all to be who we are – the beloved Children of God!

Prayers, patrick