We are finally home! 

After six years of worshipping elsewhere and making do, after having to be so patient, to gather our resources and to learn how to be a community without our beloved Cathedral, we are home. We have navigated so many challenges.  What a delight it is to be back. 

What has struck me over the last few weeks of being home is the joy, so evident on the faces of the people coming to celebrate the Mass with us. Joy that we are back in our home. Joy that we once again can gather together surrounded by the memories and history of 120 years of Masses, baptisms, weddings and funerals. What a history we have of ceremonies of both joy and sorrow that intertwine through the liturgies that enrich the lives of so many parishioners over the years. We praise and thank God for the great riches he has bestowed upon us in the form of the large team who have worked in so many ways to bring us home. The donors. The contractors. The consultants. This community who have given so much of their time and talent.

Today’s readings encourage us to build on the great gifts we have been given and remind us that Jesus is with us always. We need to remember that he is always ready to help us, especially in our toughest times including while we have been away from our Cathedral home. Jesus is asking us to commit our daily lives to him and to be his followers.

May we use the joy of being home to reach out and offer hospitality and kindness to all around us as we work to build a stronger more faithful Cathedral community.

Jane Kelly