Faith that is Alive
“Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.” Along with the passage when Jesus invites his disciples to, “Come and have breakfast!”, this is one of my favourite scripture passages. It is so easy to picture. Jesus asleep, laying on a cushion. The others are disturbed by all that is storming around them. They panic, the are terrified. Who wouldn’t be?
This week over 700 Catholic educators and supporters of Catholic education from throughout the motu have gathered at the Catholic Education Conference for Aotearoa. It has been a wonderful three days. Naturally there was much that could have overwhelmed such a group. With the uncertainties which face the sector in regards curriculum as designed by the coalition government, the changes in the challenges which face our Tamariki and Rangitahi in their homes and society, not to mention the development of technological possibilities.
As with any group, by midafternoon on the second day of the conference the numbers in the plenary hall had dwindled. And as one involved with the preparations for the Eucharistic celebration late that afternoon, I was slightly concerned in regards the numbers for the Mass.
I should not have feared. By 4pm, when the student band began the singing the opening hymn, the TSB arena was filled. When mentioning this to another attendee, she responded, “We may not turn up for a workshop, but we all want to be together to celebrate Mass.”
The faith that is alive in our schools and colleges is amazing! And it was a great privilege to be surrounded during these days by such faith-filled people. While the storms of life can surround, being nourished by God’s Word, and by the Sacraments means that together we can face what is upon the horizon.

For us as a Cathedral parish we celebrate with our young their first Holy Communion this weekend. My prayer for them is that whether the day dawns with a bright sky, or one covered by ominous clouds and flashing lights, they will come to the Lord’s Altar and be fed. Fed so that they may in turn feed others, being a presence in the world that brings such peace to the world, that in spite of the howling winds or driving rains of life, they will enable others to rest secure upon the cushion of comfort.
Loved children of God, know that Jesus delights to find his home in your today!
With prayers, patrick