“Where all seems dead, signs of the Resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force!”
These words of Francis, Bishop of Rome, speak an incredible truth. Yes, there is much that can surround us which seems deadly. It may be social media streams which denigrate, isolate, or even ‘cancel’ people. It may be nations which seek to vanquish another nation or people under the guise of defence. It may be the terrible damage that is inflicted upon the young by those whose responsibility it is to be guardians of their growth into fullness of life as human beings.
Yes, there is much which surrounds us that can seem deadly. And it is there where signs of the Resurrection will suddenly spring up! These signs may not mean that all is immediately healed and made right or beautiful. Indeed, the signs of destruction may remain, like the scars of the nails in hands and feet, or in buildings and roads which have crumbled and are broken, or in the lines of the tears dried now upon a young one’s face.
Yet, in the child that is comforted by a stranger, or the Security Council which calls out for a cease-fire, or the survivor who is deeply listened to and feels they have been heard, new life dawns.
I was so very moved on Thursday as our Sacred Heart Cathedral School celebrated the Stations of the Cross. There was such reverence. There was the proclamation of Sacred Scripture. There was reflection on the life of Jesus in these days, and integration into the living experience of the children. There was silence as the Cross was processed, with the solemn yet simple sound of a chime heard. And then came the beautiful singing of the children, “Dance then…”
Yes, we have every reason to be able to dance this weekend. For we hold and know the truth that we have been living through during the Lenten time now passed, that where all seems dead, signs of the Resurrection suddenly spring up. It is an irresistible force!

With love, thanks, and prayers for all as we celebrate Christ Risen,