Emmanuel, God-with-us
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes may have eternal life” (John3:16)
The time of waiting in anticipation and Advent preparation is over. Today we celebrate the birth of the light of the world, God’s ultimate gift: Jesus. His gift given to us in love, with love and for love.
Christmas is a time for gift giving, but it is more than simply a day for exchanging material gifts. We gift when we open our hearts freely to one another. Christmas is a time to think about others and to take stock of what’s important. It is a time for selflessness, a time for forgiving, and a time for reconnecting with family and friends. All of these actions are gift.
For some though Christmas can be a time of loneliness, a time of sadness and loss, a time of heightened financial trials and family struggles.
Whatever our circumstances, as we receive and celebrate the Gift of Jesus this Christmas may we be gift to each other, witnessing with joyful, compassionate, and generous hearts the lamp of Christ’s love burning brightly in our lives.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the peace of Christ reign in our hearts and homes. May joy be our enduring gift at Christmas and Faith, Hope, and Love be our treasures in the New Year.
Debbie Matheson, Frank Doherty, Sadie Laurenson, Fathers Alliston, and Ron.

The light of the Christmas star to you,
The warmth of home and hearth to you,
The cheer and goodwill of friends to you,
The hope of a childlike heart to you,
The joy of a thousand angels to you,
The love of the Son and God’s peace to you.
~ Irish Christmas Blessing ~