NZ Catholic response to Synod’s Continental Stage document published

The New Zealand Catholic Church response to the “Document for the Continental Stage” of Pope Francis’s Synod on Synodality has been published.

The Catholic world is now in the Continental Stage of the Synod process, in which each “continent” will produce a response to the continental document that was approved by the Vatican’s synod office last October. The continental document, titled Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, was produced in response to the national syntheses created last July from the initial diocesan and national discernment parts of the Synod process.

In Aotearoa NZ,  diocesan and national groups were invited last October to take part in a discernment process on Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which took place between late October and early December. Those responses were synthesised into the New Zealand response, published today by the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference.

A copy of this New Zealand document is below.

A statement about this document and an update of the Synod process is online here: